S. Leo Chiang is a cinematographer and producer—based in San Francisco and
Taipei—known for Our Time Machine (2019), A Village Called Versailles (2009) and
Mr. Cao Goes to Washington (2012). Leo holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical &
computer engineering and received his MFA in film production from University of
Southern California. His work has received support from funders such as
Sundance, Tribeca, ITVS, Creative Capital, Catapult Film Fund & CAAM. He has
taught documentary production at the University of California at Santa Cruz,
University of California at Berkeley, Northwestern University, and the
Communication University of China. He is a co-founder of the Asian American
Documentary Network (A-Doc) and previously the co-chair of New Day Films, the
social-issue documentary distribution co-operative. Leo is a consulting producer
for CNEX, the Chinese documentary foundation, and a Documentary branch member of
the Academy of Motion Pictures and Sciences (AMPAS).
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